This is a vinyl cover for Disclosures album they have used a clear cover for their design allowing them to print text over the design without it being on the product this is effective as it allows the final product to not have text oni it and this enables it to be effective to use as art work.
they have used a single fold which allows them to have a four sided product. they have used an image that goes across the whole center panel this is a wide angled shot allowing the buyer t see what the image actually is . they have also included the long titles and information about them this includes the people who have helped compose them and the artists that have featured in them. this is good because it allows the viewer to see who was involved and how the songs were composed and made.
i think that by using a plastic sleeve on the product this is effective because it is allowing there to be added detail that will not effect the design and will not overload the design with unnecessary text. i think that by doing this it allows the product to be more unique and allows them to stand out from other designs that are similar to it. the used of mainly black color has allowed the product to be more distinctive and effective the design to have a bolder impact on the viewer.
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